Functional Medicine Wellness Consultations
HealthyWay Today
Free 10 minutes Functional Medicine Health Consultation
We can be lead to where we need to be for help we do not yet know we need!
Services offered
The Pain Eraser -
Pain Reliever Neuromodulator
Are You Experiencing PainAnd Nothing Seems To Help?
This totally non-invasive pain management device gets to work immediately once placed on the skin.
This Pain Relief technology uses your body’s own natural pain medications… endorphins.
You can expect not only pain relief, but quicker recovery and healing times.
A biofeedback microcurrent medical device involving no drugs or surgery. It delivers non-toxic, computer modulated, therapeutic neurostimulation.
Endorphins are peptides that activate the body’s pain receptors, causing an analgesic effect, facilitating physiological reactions.
Lifestyle Modification
Assisting you in identifying the root cause of your symptoms and providing the tools to achieve optimal wellness.
Hypnosis- Timeline Therapy
Let's you relax using guided imagery to make positive changes to your subconscious mind. Hypnosis involves a person being given suggestions and responds with positive changes.
Quantum Scan
A BioRenosance magnetic device which scans the entire body. It gives profiles on vitamin and mineral deficiencies, organ function, hormone balance, viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, digestive disorders, stress & food intolerance. A must for anyone wishing to improve their health.
Includes 2- 1:1 personalized zoom Functional Nutritional Consults with Jessica Bruno
Jessica Bruno MS, CNS
Functional Medicine Nutritionist
MOLD & MYCOTOXINS- Mold Illness , CIRS, MCAS, Urine Mycotoxin and Marcon testing
Breast Implant Illness
Do you Have breast implants? they could Be Making you Very sick.
Now is the time to explore your health concerns and get to the root causes of your symptoms. Will teach you to recognize the symptoms of BII.
Working together with your physician we will help guide you to modifying your lifestyle habits and get you prepared for Explant. There are many things to explore before having your implants removed. Let me be the one to help you thru the process of creating the necessary changes needed to take your life back.
Are you having daily symptoms
& your being told its all in your head?
Yes! Could this be you? Are you struggling with any of these chronic health issues like:
Headaches.Persistent joint and muscle pain.Unexplained respiratory difficulties.Hair loss and frequent skin rashes.Chronically dry mouth and eyes.Poor memory and concentration.Depression, anxiety, and insomnia
Chest discomfort
Autoimmune disorders
Gut issues
IBS, Constipation , diarrheaIntolerance to foods and beveragesUnexplained back painConstant neck and shoulder painCognitive dysfunction (brain fog, memory loss)Stunted hair growthIncapacitating fatigueBurning bladder pain & frequencyLow immunityRecurring infectionsProblems with thyroid and adrenals.fibromyalgiaRaynauds syndromeweaknessnumbness and tingling in hands & feetburning sensation in heels
Specializing in those suffering from multiple symptoms related to Breast Implants.
Schedule your appointment today!
Breast Implant Illness Customized Guidance & Detox Plan's Available
Lets remove those roadblocks that are keeping you from feeling your best and getting you looking and feeling great again!
About the Practitioner
Dawn Cordone AGNP-C Functional Medicine Wellness Practitioner
As a Mold ill & Breast Implant Illness Survivor myself , I am dedicated to helping others who may have suffered for many months if not years trying to get answers. Working with those clients who have gone from doctor to doctor and getting no answers, are finally given hope.
Without removing those toxic offenders or at least exploring what may be happening , you will continue going down an unhealthy path adventually leading to Chronic illness.
Making lifestyle Modifications so that you can begin to feel like yourself again is the key to sucess! Let me guide you from start to finish and help you begin your new journey. Let's begin to restore and create optimal wellness so that you can begin to feel better!
K.J. Had PCOS and now 1 yr later celebrates the birth of their daughter and kept the weigh off!
To begin the process of healing we will design a customized detox program specific to you. The plan will include:
* Free breast implant illness symptom journal
* Guided detox program
* Preparing your mindset - guided imagery available
* Creating a healthy healing enviornment -Self-love
* Lab testing
* Meal planning-food hygiene- modification
* Quality sleep plan- working on sleep hygiene
* Preping for explant- what to expect
* Helping to recover after explant

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BII & Lifestyle Modification Testimonials
Lifestyle Modification Testimonial: C.W. 26 yr old Male with Gut issues, High blood pressure and overweight . lost 30 lbs in 3 months After being given a lifestyle modification plan that worked for him and kept him motivated.
More Testimonials